Additional transport services

Parcel deliveries products such as BusinessParcel and EuroBusinessParcel can be combined with a wide array of value added complementary transport services, designed to tailor the delivery to our clients' needs.

Parcel transport tailored to the customer's needs

• Possibility of cash on delivery
• Additional insurance coverage
• Collection and return of goods back to sender
• Green transport of goods

Increased probability of succesful delivery

• Pre-delivery notification via SMS or e-mail
• Delivery to a ParcelShop
• Goods replacement
• Guaranteed delivery within 24 hours

Overview of additional services


A service for flexible delivery with continuous information to the recipient via email and SMS with a two-hour time window and the possibility to influence the delivery process according to your own possibilities.

• Delivery information by e-mail and SMS

• Greater customer satisfaction

• Change of delivery according to the needs of the recipient

• Delivery window notification

• Three delivery attempts

Available for parcels all over Europe

• Delivery on the selected day

• Delivery to a new address

• Delivery to a GLS Pick-up point

• Storage at an agreed location

• Rejection of the shipment


The service allows customers to reduce the cost of transporting goods and the possibility of conveniently picking up parcels at any GLS pick-up point. If you choose ShopDeliveryService, GLS will deliver the parcel the next working day directly to the pick-up point chosen by the recipient in advance.

• Lower shipping cost

• Easy integration into your own software

• Delivery to GLS Parcel Shop, GLS Parcel Box and AlzaBox

• Lower probability of non-delivery

• Recipient has 5 days to collect the package from GLS Parcel Shop or 3 days to collect from GLS Parcel Box and AlzaBox

Easy integration into every e-shop platform due to our simple online guide

• Weight and size restrictions:

→ GLS Parcel Shop: 20 kg, 100 cm longest side

→ GLS Parcel Box a Alzabox: 20 kg, 55 cm longest side


Cash on delivery service. Ordered goods from the e-shop can be delivered on delivery, where the recipient pays for the goods only at the time of receipt of the package from the courier.

• Possibility to pay by cash, credit card or online via GoPay

• The recipient will receive an SMS and an email with the amount of the credit

• Quick transfer of the selected amount in bulk or individually

• Maximum cash on delivery of CZK 60,000

• Information about the amount of the cash-on-delivery on the address label

• Cash on delivery packages can be sent throughout the Czech Republic and to Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Croatia and Slovenia

The recipient can download an online COD payment confirmation using our form

• For COD amounts, hellers are automatically rounded to whole crowns from CZK 0.50 upwards. We recommend that you round up COD amounts in your accounting system and the label printing application you are using.

International ShopReturnService

Simplified return system for international B2C parcels through an extensive network of more than 55,000 GLS pick-up points in Europe.

• Integration via a link to an online portal or API connection

• The portal is optimized for mobile devices

• The appearance and URL of the portal can be adapted to the e-shop

• Automatic creation of returns reports

• Service and portal available in 17 European languages

• The e-shop operator incurs costs for the transport of the return shipment only if the shipment is handed over to the GLS transport network

1. The sender of the return shipment (returning customer) goes to the e-shop where he purchased the goods.

2. The e-shop redirects the customer to the GLS portal, where they fill in a return form.

3. The returning customer will receive a PDF label with barcode or QR code in the email.

4. The returning customer places the label on the parcel and hands it over for transport at a GLS pick-up point.

5. GLS will deliver the parcel at the e-shop address.

More about Reverse logistics


Pick up the package at the selected address and deliver it to any address.

• Pick-up anywhere in the EU or the Czech Republic

• Delivery anywhere in the Czech Republic or the EU

• Reduction of transport and storage costs

• Optimized procurement and distribution logistics

The transport client orders the parcel to be picked up directly at the address of its foreign supplier, GLS picks it up according to the instructions and then delivers it directly to the end customer's address without having to go through the client's address.

GLS offers a wide range of return options.



Picking up the parcel at the selected address and delivering it back to the client.

• Parcel pick-up anywhere in the Czech Republic or Europe

• Pick-up can be ordered for the next working day

• Automatic sending of notification messages

• Acceleration of complaint and service resolution

The transport client orders the collection of the parcel with the goods to be serviced or claimed. GLS picks up the parcel according to the instructions and delivers it to the client's address, without the end customer having to deal with the method of sending the goods to the client.

GLS offers a wide range of return options.



In exchange for the delivered parcel, GLS picks up another parcel from the recipient and delivers it to the sender. In this case, the transport is invoiced twice.

• Economical solution - delivery and pick-up at one point

• Easy and straightforward handling for shippers and their customers

• Includes a record of the exchange of goods

• Significantly easier and faster handling of complaints

By ordering this service, the client delivers replacement goods to the customer and at the same time picks up the goods to be repaired for delivery to their address.

GLS offers a wide range of return options.



Guaranteed delivery the next working day after receipt.

• Guaranteed delivery before 17:00 the next working day
• Compensation in the event of non-compliance with the delivery deadline due to fault on the part of GLS
• Quality of express services at an attractive price


By using ThinkGreenService, shippers can contribute to reducing the CO2 emissions that are produced during package delivery.

• Protecting the environment by reducing emissions

• From 1,000 parcels per year Certificate of ecological transport

• Reducing the environmental footprint of our own activities

• Possibility to plant trees according to your own wishes

• The proceeds from this service are invested in non-governmental projects for the planting of long-lived wild trees in the landscape of the Czech Republic

As part of the Climate Protect program, GLS strives to reduce the negative impact of parcel transport on the environment.

GLS strives for sustainable development and sustainable commercial growth with an emphasis on environmental protection.


Additional one-time insurance for individual parcels up to CZK 50,000 or up to CZK 100,000.

• Maximum amount of additional insurance CZK 100,000

• Increased insurance coverage on a one-off basis

• Arrangement only for selected packages

• More security for valuable goods


Additional lump-sum insurance for the parcel

• Increased insurance coverage of parcels

• More security for high-value goods

• Simple and easy negotiation and ordering

• Individually agreed insurance rates


A service for flexible delivery with continuous information to the recipient via email and SMS with a two-hour time window and the possibility to influence the delivery process according to your own possibilities.

• Delivery information by e-mail and SMS

• Greater customer satisfaction

• Change of delivery according to the needs of the recipient

• Delivery window notification

• Three delivery attempts

Available for parcels all over Europe

• Delivery on the selected day

• Delivery to a new address

• Delivery to a GLS Pick-up point

• Storage at an agreed location

• Rejection of the shipment


The service allows customers to reduce the cost of transporting goods and the possibility of conveniently picking up parcels at any GLS pick-up point. If you choose ShopDeliveryService, GLS will deliver the parcel the next working day directly to the pick-up point chosen by the recipient in advance.

• Lower shipping cost

• Easy integration into your own software

• Delivery to GLS Parcel Shop, GLS Parcel Box and AlzaBox

• Lower probability of non-delivery

• Recipient has 5 days to collect the package from GLS Parcel Shop or 3 days to collect from GLS Parcel Box and AlzaBox

Easy integration into every e-shop platform due to our simple online guide

• Weight and size restrictions:

→ GLS Parcel Shop: 20 kg, 100 cm longest side

→ GLS Parcel Box a Alzabox: 20 kg, 55 cm longest side


Cash on delivery service. Ordered goods from the e-shop can be delivered on delivery, where the recipient pays for the goods only at the time of receipt of the package from the courier.

• Possibility to pay by cash, credit card or online via GoPay

• The recipient will receive an SMS and an email with the amount of the credit

• Quick transfer of the selected amount in bulk or individually

• Maximum cash on delivery of CZK 60,000

• Information about the amount of the cash-on-delivery on the address label

• Cash on delivery packages can be sent throughout the Czech Republic and to Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Croatia and Slovenia

The recipient can download an online COD payment confirmation using our form

• For COD amounts, hellers are automatically rounded to whole crowns from CZK 0.50 upwards. We recommend that you round up COD amounts in your accounting system and the label printing application you are using.

International ShopReturnService

Simplified return system for international B2C parcels through an extensive network of more than 55,000 GLS pick-up points in Europe.

• Integration via a link to an online portal or API connection

• The portal is optimized for mobile devices

• The appearance and URL of the portal can be adapted to the e-shop

• Automatic creation of returns reports

• Service and portal available in 17 European languages

• The e-shop operator incurs costs for the transport of the return shipment only if the shipment is handed over to the GLS transport network

1. The sender of the return shipment (returning customer) goes to the e-shop where he purchased the goods.

2. The e-shop redirects the customer to the GLS portal, where they fill in a return form.

3. The returning customer will receive a PDF label with barcode or QR code in the email.

4. The returning customer places the label on the parcel and hands it over for transport at a GLS pick-up point.

5. GLS will deliver the parcel at the e-shop address.

More about Reverse logistics


Pick up the package at the selected address and deliver it to any address.

• Pick-up anywhere in the EU or the Czech Republic

• Delivery anywhere in the Czech Republic or the EU

• Reduction of transport and storage costs

• Optimized procurement and distribution logistics

The transport client orders the parcel to be picked up directly at the address of its foreign supplier, GLS picks it up according to the instructions and then delivers it directly to the end customer's address without having to go through the client's address.

GLS offers a wide range of return options.



Picking up the parcel at the selected address and delivering it back to the client.

• Parcel pick-up anywhere in the Czech Republic or Europe

• Pick-up can be ordered for the next working day

• Automatic sending of notification messages

• Acceleration of complaint and service resolution

The transport client orders the collection of the parcel with the goods to be serviced or claimed. GLS picks up the parcel according to the instructions and delivers it to the client's address, without the end customer having to deal with the method of sending the goods to the client.

GLS offers a wide range of return options.



In exchange for the delivered parcel, GLS picks up another parcel from the recipient and delivers it to the sender. In this case, the transport is invoiced twice.

• Economical solution - delivery and pick-up at one point

• Easy and straightforward handling for shippers and their customers

• Includes a record of the exchange of goods

• Significantly easier and faster handling of complaints

By ordering this service, the client delivers replacement goods to the customer and at the same time picks up the goods to be repaired for delivery to their address.

GLS offers a wide range of return options.



Guaranteed delivery the next working day after receipt.

• Guaranteed delivery before 17:00 the next working day
• Compensation in the event of non-compliance with the delivery deadline due to fault on the part of GLS
• Quality of express services at an attractive price


By using ThinkGreenService, shippers can contribute to reducing the CO2 emissions that are produced during package delivery.

• Protecting the environment by reducing emissions

• From 1,000 parcels per year Certificate of ecological transport

• Reducing the environmental footprint of our own activities

• Possibility to plant trees according to your own wishes

• The proceeds from this service are invested in non-governmental projects for the planting of long-lived wild trees in the landscape of the Czech Republic

As part of the Climate Protect program, GLS strives to reduce the negative impact of parcel transport on the environment.

GLS strives for sustainable development and sustainable commercial growth with an emphasis on environmental protection.


Additional one-time insurance for individual parcels up to CZK 50,000 or up to CZK 100,000.

• Maximum amount of additional insurance CZK 100,000

• Increased insurance coverage on a one-off basis

• Arrangement only for selected packages

• More security for valuable goods


Additional lump-sum insurance for the parcel

• Increased insurance coverage of parcels

• More security for high-value goods

• Simple and easy negotiation and ordering

• Individually agreed insurance rates