Prices for parcels send from GLS ParcelShops

Prices for parcels sent from GLS ParcelShops depend on the weight and destination. You buy your freight online.

Country0-1 kg1-5 kg5-10 kg10-15 kg15-20 kg
Denmark - to ParcelShop46,-56,-70,-95,-110,-
Denmark - to business and private address62,-72,-90,-110,-125,-
Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden105,-125,-60,-205,-245,-
Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, France130,-160,-195,-230,-255,-
Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain180,-225,-250,-280,-320,-

This price list replaces previous price lists for GLS ParcelShop. Apply from September 1st 2023 for freight purchased via GLS' online portal.

All prices are in DKK and incl. VAT.

ParcelShop sends parcels to countries and destinations within the EU (see pricelist above), with the exception of: Büsingen am Hochrhein (DE), Cyprus (CY), Faroe Islands (DK), Greenland (DK), Channel Islands (GB), Gibraltar (GB), Greece (GR), Madeira (PT), Malta (MT), Livignio (IT), Monaco (FR), Azores (PT), Vatican City (IT), San Marino (IT), Sicily (IT) and in Spain: Ceuta, Fuerteventura, Gomera, Gran Canaria, Hierro, Ibiza, Lanzarote, La Palma, Mallorca, Melilla, Menorca and Tenerife. Keep in mind that England, Northern Ireland, Norway, Iceland, Scotland, Switzerland and Wales are not a part of the EU and can therefore not be handled via a GLS ParcelShop.

When you have purchased the freight for your parcel, you will receive it as a QR code by mail.
Hand in the parcel in a ParcelShop nearby, show the QR code and the ParcelShop will print a label for you.

The guideline is very short: Soft content - soft packaging.
Hard content - hard packaging

Read GLS' ParcelShop terms before sending your parcel.

See our delivery times for Denmark and for the countries within EU.

GLS monitors the quality every single day with the goal to offer the best possible service to senders and recipients.