Secure packaging

Our wish is to deliver your parcel safely to the recipient. It is therefore important to pack the content safely.

Hard parcel on a parcelshop shelf

Always use a sturdy cardboard box, when sending hard content. Avoid using a box that is worn or been exposed to moisture, as they will break under stacking.

If you are sending electronics, or other fragile goods, we recommend using the original packaging, if possible.

If you don't have the original packaging, it is important that you secure the content in a way that the content can't move when handled and sorted. Ensure that the content doesn't have direct contact with the sides inside the box.

parcel being packed with inner packaging for safe delivery

The inner packaging is especially important, when the content is hard. The content must not be able to move during transport, in order to ensure that items do not damage each other during transport.

Bubblewrap (with big bubbles) or shrinkpaper (E.g. PadPak, WrapPak, FillPak) er the best choices. You can also use newspapers - wrinkle them thoroougly and fill the box around the content (remember the bottom and top of the parcel).

If If you are sending liquids or colored powder, please ensure to pack the items in a plastic bag before placing them in the cardboard box. This protects your own and others parcels.

parcels being sorted at GLS depot

Once your parcel is safely packaged, you can use "The shake test" to check if the parcel is packaged properly. If the content moves inside the box, the packaging is not adequate, and you need to either find a more suitable box or use more packaging inside the box.

Feel free to contact us, if you have any questions on how to package your parcel properly. You can also read more in our generel terms.

soft parcels being sorted at GLS

It is possible to use soft packaging (a strong plastic bag), when you need to send or return soft content of small size (e.g. a blouse or a pair of pants).

Liability if damaged

Should your parcel get damaged in our custody, GLS is liable with max. 4,500 DKK per parcel, if the content is adequately and securely packed.

The damaged part is replaced

Generally, GLS will replace the part that has been damaged in our custody. If inspecting the parcel, GLS will also evaluate whether to send the parcel to the recipient or to return it to the sender - depending on the condition of the content.

Payment to the sender

GLS is always liable to the sender of the parcel as he is the one paying the transportation cost to GLS.
This means, that as a recipient of a damaged parcel you will have your costs refunded from the sender. As the recipient you are very welcome to report the damage directly to GLS, but you have to settle the financial balance with the sender.

Adequate and secure packaging

The condition for GLS replacing a damaged parcel is for it to be packed to withstand transportation in an automatic sorting system and in our distribution vehicles.